Getting Started

Introduction the the basic functionality and structure of the platform.

First, you would need to create an account in order to use You can just sign-up yourself either with email and password or user one of the SSO options like "Sign up with Google".

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After you sign up and logged in successfully, you will be ask to create your first workspace. Workspaces are a collection of devices and flows you can share with others. Multiple users can belong to one workspace and work on the Data Flows or deploy to the devices registered to the workspace. You can have multiple workspaces, depending on your plan.

You can also manage multiple user groups which are called Organisations. This feature is available in our premium plan and ist most suitable for managing multiple customers or different organisational groups.

After you created your first workspace, you will arrive to the main dashboard. Here you will find all the flows you have created so far, monitor the flows which are currently deployed or create a new one from scratch.

From the navigation on the left side, you can switch to the devices page which holds all the devices you have registered to your workspace. You can check their status and which flows are deployed on each device. You can also add and register new devices to your workspace from here. You can follow the instructions you find the the guides section on this page.

If you want to change langauges ( is available in english and german), switch workspaces or change any other setting, you can just link on the lower icon in the navigation bar.

Last updated